SCOPE Europe presents on "Advancing Pseudonymisation with a Universal Code of Conduct" at Bitkom's Privacy Conference 2021
On September 27 & 28, Bitkom will be hosting its digital Privacy Conference. The event will gather several experts to discuss the latest trends in the…
SCOPE Europe presents about "Implementing and adhering to the EU Cloud Code of Conduct" at the Webinar for Swedish Organizations
Taking place on September 6, between 9:00 and 12:00, the webinar explores the potential and benefits of the EU Cloud Code of Conduct. SCOPE Europe…
1 Mio Euro Förderung für SRIW - Mitwirkung an Forschungsprojekt "CoyPu" startet
Der SRIW erhält Zuwendung des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie in Höhe von ca. 1 Million Euro für das Forschungsprojekt CoyPu und…
SCOPE Europe presents on „European’s regulatory cloud framework: How initiatives like the EU Cloud CoC and Gaia-x help linking loose ends“ at the Cyber Security Act Forum
Invited by the Swedish „Institutet för Informationsteknologi“ SCOPE Europe’s Director Monitoring and Auditing, Legal Affairs will elaborate on the hot…
SRIW spricht zu GAIA-X beim Regionalen Arbeitskreis von Datenschutzverantwortlichen (west)deutscher Versicherungsunternehmen (AK West)
Der AK West lädt SRIWs Stellvertretenden Geschäftsführer Frank Ingenrieth ein, am 11. März 2021 die Idee, den Status und die Perspektiven des…
GAIA-X: Technical Deep Dive
On the 17th of February the GAIA-X Technical Deep Dive Webinar will take place online.
SRIW will actively contribute at the GAIA-X Vision: Kick-off, January 27th, 2021
As a Day-1 member of GAIA-X, we are proud to announce, that SRIW‘s Deputy Managing Director Frank Ingenrieth will be part of a seven panel series, all…
Joint comments by SRIW, SCOPE Europe, and the EU Cloud Code of Conduct to the EDPB
We (SRIW, SCOPE Europe, and the EU Cloud Code of Conduct) appreciate the opportunity to share our perspectives in the context of the public…
SCOPE Europe presents on the interlinks of existing and upcoming cloud regulation at the Cyber Security Act Forum
Invited by the Swedish „Institutet för Informationsteknologi“ SCOPE Europe’s Director Monitoring and Auditing, Legal Affairs will elaborate on the hot…