SRIW comments on EDPB’s Guidelines 01/2025 (Pseudonymization)
SRIW welcomes the EDPB Guidelines 01/2025 on Pseudonymisation as an important step toward reinforcing pseudonymisation as a key safeguard under the…
Der SRIW nimmt Stellung zum Diskussionsentwurf zum Gesetz gegen digitale Gewalt des BMJ
Mit dem Gesetz gegen digitale Gewalt plant das Bundesministerium der Justiz (BMJ) die Vereinfachung der Rechtsdurchsetzung für Betroffene von Gewalt…
SRIW Responds to the Call of the AI Office for Contributions on the AI Act
SRIW submitted it's response to the consultation carried out by the AI Office on the commission guidelines on the application of the definition of an…
SRIW Shares Comments and Responses on the Public Consultation of the Autorité de la Concurrence
On the 22nd of March 2024, the public consultation on generative artificial intelligence and its influence on market dynamics, recently launched by…