SRIW Insights #8 Aug 2024
Updates on the SRIW ecosystem and the latest self- and co-regulatory developments in the information economy - with a keen focus on data and consumer protection.
SRIW’s Recent Happenings
Dear Readers,
developing codes of conduct is the key to tackling societal challenges in a creative and practical way. These codes offer innovative, balanced solutions that promote progress and incorporate different interests. However, it is clear that creating such codes requires real expertise and the right methods. We’ve gathered all the opportunities a code of conduct offers. Read more below.
On July 25, the European Commission published its second evaluation report on the General Data Protection Regulation, and with the AI Act now in force, things are really taking off. The AI Office has been tasked with finalizing codes of practice within the next nine months. Furthermore, SRIW had the privilege of participating in the AI Dialogue organized by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in Berlin.
Stay tuned for more to come,

Drafting codes of conduct is a huge opportunity to resolve societal challenges. Codes of conduct allow for practical, innovation friendly solutions, which incorporate societal interest. They allow for a fair balancing of interests. On another note, drafting codes of conduct requires expertise in the subject matter and more importantly in the toolbox of suitable methodologies and approaches. If you are interested in drafting a code of conduct, SRIW and its ecosystem is looking forward to partnering up.

SRIW's First Sight Analysis
On 25 July 2024, the European Commission (EC) has published its second evaluation report on the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
SRIW Invites the AI Office
Since the AI Act has been published, the work is accelerating. The AI Office is now being tasked to complete Codes of Practice within nine months.

SRIW Engages in AI dialogue
On August 20th, SRIW had the privilege of joining the AI Dialogue hosted by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in Berlin.
SRIW Hosts Panel at INTERGEO
On 25 September 2024 SRIW will moderate a panel on ‘Future-oriented and sustainable digitalisation: data protection for geodata services, effective and practical with the Geodata Code’.

Trust in Door-to-Door-Sales
The ‘Haustürkodex’ promotes high quality in door-to-door sales in the telecommunications industry by checking the provider's sales processes for compliance with the requirements of the code.
Recent Regulatory Developments

European Commission

Information Commissioner’s Office
“Social media and video sharing platforms put on notice over poor children’s privacy practices”