SRIW Insights #10 Oct 2024
Updates on the SRIW ecosystem and the latest self- and co-regulatory developments in the information economy - with a keen focus on data and consumer protection.
SRIW’s Recent Happenings
Dear Readers,
deep diving directly into our September affairs, we are more than excited to be involved in the AI Office’s development of the Code of Practice for GPAI Models. We are very much looking forward to work together with all the selected entities in the code of practice plenary. In light of this, you can take a look at our contribution to the AI Office’s consultation on the code of practice below.
Upcoming: We are thrilled to announce our upcoming participation at this year’s Smart Country Convention 2024, organised by BITKOM and Messe Berlin. Our whole team awaits you at our booth. Make sure to say hello!
Have fun reading,

One message from the Digital Summit stands out: Digitalisation and, above all, AI is about people! We want to agree with this message and are therefore developing innovative solutions for the responsible handling of data that ultimately offer people, but also the economy and politics, real added value. We were therefore delighted with the interest shown in our stand and that we were able to talk to inspiring people about our projects such as the Geodata Code, the Front Door Code and our AI research project CoyPu!
A big thank you goes to the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs, the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, who selected the SRIW from a large number of projects and gave us the opportunity to demonstrate the importance of effective self-regulatory and co-regulatory instruments for the digital economy. These instruments sustainably promote transparency, trust and innovation.

A Deep Dive into the AI Act
SRIW, as a project partner of CoyPu and in collaboration with SCOPE Europe Monitoring, hosted a webinar on the much-discussed AI Act. Watch the recording.
Future of Privacy Forum
This year's symposium was an excellent platform for engaging discussions on the practical implementation of the EU AI Act, its interplay with the DSA, DMA, and the GDPR.

CoyPu’s New Publication
This article deals with the legal classification of anonymisation, the requirements of the GDPR regarding consent and its revocation in the context of anonymisation.
Bitkom’s Privacy Conference
Frank Ingenrieth, Meike Kamp and Prof Eike Richter discussed the future of DSK at pco24 under the moderation of Frederick Richter. Watch the recording on Youtube.

Recent Regulatory Developments

European Data Protection Board
“CEF 2025: EDPB selects topic for next year’s Coordinated Action"

European Data Protection Supervisor
“G7 Roundtable 2024: Data Protection Authorities Collaborate to Shape the Future of AI and Privacy”