SRIW Insights #7 Jul 2024
Updates on the SRIW ecosystem and the latest self- and co-regulatory developments in the information economy - with a keen focus on data and consumer protection.
SRIW’s Recent Happenings
Dear Readers,
as we embrace the summer season, we bring you a refreshing mix of updates and insights. Firstly, the VATM and ourselves are taking stock of eight months Door-to-Door Sales Code of Conduct (dt.: Haustürkodex). Discover how seven leading telecommunications companies have been recognized for adhering to the Code by SCOPE Europe Monitoring.
Moreover, we are searching for additional talent to join our team in Berlin. If you know your way around accounting or enjoy research and administrative tasks, you should take a look at our job adverts below.
Of no less significance is the AI Act’s publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. With regards to the Act’s provisions, we came up with first key theses on self- and coregulatory measures.
Learn more below about the launch of our Data Sharing working group on 7 July 2024, aimed at streamlining and enhancing data sharing activities. Finally, read our latest publication in MMR-Aktuell on ‘Algorithmic impact assessment in the Greek public sector: a model to emulate?’ as part of the CoyPu project.
Enjoy diving into our July edition,

We are expanding our team:
We are looking for immediate support in the area of assistance (part-time, 30 hours/week).As a young, modern organisation, we are committed to adapting to changing conditions. We want to further expand the success of our projects and members. This is a continuous process of transformation. Send us your application if you would like to take part in this process.

Adherences Haustürkodex
Seven leading telecommunications companies have been declared adherent to the Door-to-Door-Sales Code of Conduct by the monitoring body SCOPE Europe Monitoring.
AI Act Key Theses: WG AI
Following the recent publication of the AI Act, we've taken a deep dive into its provisions regarding self- and coregulatory measures and came up with first key theses.

Data Sharing WG Explained
On July 7 SRIW launched its Data Sharing working group. It’s objective is to make data sharing activities smoother and efficient by establishing a common language for key terminology.
AI Systems in the Public Sector
SRIW, as part of the CoyPu project, publishes article in issue 12 of the news service MMR-Aktuell - ‘Algorithmic impact assessment in the Greek public sector: a model to emulate?’

Recent Regulatory Developments

Official Journal of the European Union