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The EDPB launches its Strategy 2024-2027 and reinforces the role of compliance tools for the effective protection of individuals’ rights

SCOPE EuropeNews

This April, as we near 6 years of GDPR application, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has released its “Strategy 2024-2027”, underscoring its commitment to ensuring proper implementation of data protection law across the European Economic Area (EEA) while fostering effective cooperation among supervisory authorities.

Against this background, the Strategy is built around four key pillars for upholding  individuals' privacy rights in the digital age:

1. Enhancing harmonisation and promoting compliance

2. Reinforcing a common enforcement culture and effective cooperation

3. Safeguarding data protection in the developing digital and cross-regulatory landscape

4. Contributing to the global dialogue on data protection

Each one of the abovementioned pillars are complemented by key actions to enable their materialization.  SCOPE Europe was thrilled to see codes of conduct being incorporated as key actions for pillars one and four. Namely, these actions aim to support harmonization, promote compliance, and contribute to the international dialogue on data protection practices.

As an accredited monitoring body for two codes of conduct pursuant Article 41 GDPR—the EU Cloud Code of Conduct and the Data Pro Code—SCOPE Europe has witnessed firsthand how these tools can meaningfully support the proper implementation of GDPR, foster the harmonization of robust technical and organizational measures, and increase public awareness in the field. 

Considering this experience, we highly welcome EDPB’s initiative and its commitment to foster the development and practical implementation of compliance tools such as codes of conduct and certifications. Moreover, as the General Assembly of the EU Cloud CoC is currently working on the Third Country Data Transfer Module, we are glad to see that one of the pillars reinforces the importance of global dialogue and the role of compliance tools to achieve coherence not only within, but beyond the EEA. This global perspective is crucial in the highly interconnected reality of our digital economy.

On a final note, we commend EDPB’s goal to ensure coherence between the GDPR and upcoming EU Laws related to the digital realm. Considering the growing complexity of today’s regulatory landscape, SCOPE Europe believes codes of conduct can be instrumental for bridging different regulations and ensuring  all-sized businesses can effectively respond to implementation challenges amid evolving obligations.
