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PRESS RELEASE: Salesforce declares services adherent to the EU Cloud Code of Conduct

SCOPE EuropeEU Cloud CoCNewsPress Release

Brussels, 20 July 2022 – Salesforce has successfully gone through the adherence process of the EU Cloud Code of Conduct, contributing to the building of trust in cloud services and significantly increasing transparency towards European cloud users.

Specifying GDPR processing requirements – Article 28 and all its related articles –, the EU Cloud CoC has been meaningfully increasing transparency, accountability, and harmonization throughout the entire cloud industry. In this context, the Code is a valuable tool for cloud users wishing to optimize their decision-making processes when searching for the ideal cloud service provider.  

This added value is particularly relevant for smaller and medium-sized businesses facing resource constraints to perform the required – and highly complex – compliance assessments. Against this background, the Code’s Public Register is a trustworthy source for European cloud users, listing services that have demonstrated their GDPR compliance by subjecting to the robust ongoing due diligence performed by the accredited Monitoring Body (pursuant Article 41 GDPR).

Upholding the commitment to enable trust by transparently communicating their compliance efforts, Salesforce successfully declared services adherent to the EU Cloud CoC.  This is an important milestone in the harmonization of GDPR implementation across the cloud sector and attests to the unparalleled reach and impact of the Code in the European privacy landscape.

Reacting to the EU Cloud CoC adherence, Jo Copping, VP, Associate General Counsel, Head of EMEA Privacy at Salesforce, stated:

Salesforce is an early supporter of this initiative and firmly believes it generates crucial benefits for European cloud users and data subjects. Going through the robust assessment process of the EU Cloud CoC testifies to our long-lasting and continuous commitment to implement a strong and comprehensive compliance program.”

Addressing the adherence of Salesforce, Jörn Wittmann, Managing Director of SCOPE Europe, said:

Having Salesforce declaring adherence to the EU Cloud CoC reiterates the fact that this lighthouse initiative is indeed on the right track. The Code has been massively impacting GDPR implementation across IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS, building sectoral cohesion and largely enabling European customers to minimize their risks and make well-informed decisions.”

To access Salesforce’s Public Report, please check the list of adherent services
