SRIW Insights #1 Jan 2024
Updates on the SRIW ecosystem and the latest self- and co-regulatory developments in the information economy - with a keen focus on data and consumer protection.
SRIW’s Recent Happenings
Dear Readers,
With the first month of 2024 behind us, we look back on a promising start to the new year as we publish our first newsletter edition! Following the successful launch of the Haustürkodex (eng.: Door-to-Door Sales Code of Conduct) last November, we welcomed several new members. These include Deutsche Giganetz, Infrafibre, Tele Columbus, Vodafone and EWE Tel. We look forward to fruitful cooperation and mutual exchanges! On a different note, a few days ago we celebrated European Data Protection Day with all of you. You can read below which thoughts this day inspired us to share.
Finally, we proudly start sharing with you the recordings of the event "AI Crisis Resilience Platforms: Opportunities and Challenges". The event was introduced by Dr. Klaus Glasmacher, representing the BMWK, followed by Kurt Junghanns, Research Associate at InfAI, who gave us an insight into the CoyPu project, and Frank Ingenrieth, Managing Director at SRIW, who spoke about crisis resilience at the heart of AI platforms.
Next week, the keynotes of Marta Bonik, PhD Candidate at Infineon Technologies, and Alexander Besner-Lettenbauer, Research Associate at TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology Department Governance, will follow. So stay tuned!
Wishing you a final happy new year and a good read,

New member: Deutsche Giganetz
Deutsche GigaNetz GmbH, one of the leading telecommunications companies for the construction and expansion of fibre glass networks in Germany, becomes a member of SRIW.
We welcome INFRAFIBRE!
Our new member: Infrafibre Germany is a leading investor in future-proof high-speed networks and the large-scale expansion of fibre optic connections, primarily in rural areas.

New addition to our membership!
SRIW is pleased to welcome one of the leading fibre glass network operators in Germany, Tele Columbus AG with its brand PŸUR, as a member.
Welcome, Vodafone!
SRIW is pleased to announce the expansion of its membership to include Vodafone GmbH, one of Germany's leading telecommunications providers.

Our newest member: EWE Tel!
SRIW welcomes EWE Tel, a telecommunications service provider and subsidiary of EWE AG, energy service provider for the north-west for more than 90 years.
European Data Protection Day
We’re celebrating the European Data Protection Day by sharing the motives behind the Geodata Code of Conduct (dt.: Geodatenkodex).

CoyPu presents “KI-Krisenresilienzplattformen: Chancen und Herausforderungen”
Last Year, November 27, SRIW's own research team within CoyPu (Cognitive Economy Intelligence Platform for resilience of economic ecosystems) organized an event with the topic “AI - Crisis Resilience Platforms: Chances and Challenges”. We are now starting to release the recordings of the event! Beginning with the Introduction by Dr. Klaus Glasmacher, following Keynote I by Marta Bonik and Keynote II held by Frank Ingenrieth. Have fun watching!
Recent Regulatory Developments