SRIW Insights #4 Apr 2024
Updates on the SRIW ecosystem and the latest self- and co-regulatory developments in the information economy - with a keen focus on data and consumer protection.
SRIW’s Recent Happenings
Dear Readers,
as we bid farewell to April, we reflect on a month filled with significant strides and insightful events.
Starting off strong, we are highly appreciative of the European Data Protection Board's (EDPB) 3-year strategic plan, which emphasises codes of conduct and cross-regulatory compliance. This focus is a perfect complement to our mission and expertise. Click below and read more about our alignments with the strategy.
Furthermore, we had the privilege of attending the Kick-off of the German Dateninstitut. Head to our LinkedIn page to learn more about the enriching discussions and insights shared during this event.
Lastly, mark your calendars for May 16th, as SRIW, alongside key players from the telecommunications industry, unveils the Door-to-Door Sales Code of Conduct at ANGA COM in Cologne.
Enjoy reading and watching,

Upcoming: SRIW deep dives into the Haustürkodex at ANGA COM
On 16 May 2024 from 11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., SRIW will introduce the Door-to-Door-Sales Code of Conduct together with companies from the telecommunications industry at ANGA COM in Cologne. Moderated by Karoline Claaßen, Vodafone, Deutsche Glasfaser, Tele Columbus and VATM will share their experiences of the development and review processes with the audience and discuss the requirements and added value of the Code.

EDPB Strategy 2024-2027
SRIW and its ecosystem welcome the EDPB’s 3-year strategy plan. It’s emphasis on codes of conduct and cross-regulatory compliance aligns perfectly with our mission and expertise.
Geodatenkodex now on LinkedIn!
Would you like to find out whether there are currently or have been drivings for the creation of image material in your area? Visit the Code’s LinkedIn page!

VATM hosts HTK-Webinar
Supported by us, the VATM organises another free webinar on the 22. of Mai. Register now and find out more about the code and its added value!
Dateninstitut Kick-Off
Last month, we were attending the Kick-off of the German Dateninstitut. Go to LinkedIn to find out more about this insightful day.

Recent Regulatory Developments

European Data Protection Board

European Commission