SRIW Insights #5 May 2024
Updates on the SRIW ecosystem and the latest self- and co-regulatory developments in the information economy - with a keen focus on data and consumer protection.
SRIW’s Recent Happenings
Dear Readers,
In the May edition, we focus on two major events. Firstly, we attended the ANGA COM in Cologne this month. In addition to an in-depth panel discussion on the door-to-door sales code of conduct (dt.: Haustürkodex), we enjoyed the conference and the interesting dialogue with other attendees. We have compiled our most important learnings and favourite moments for you below.
Second, we are thrilled to to be part of this year’s CPDP conference book: Data Protection and Privacy. Stavroula Chatzipanagioti deep dives into “Codes of Conduct: A Credible Instrument of Co-regulation for the Market”. Check it out below!
Enjoy reading,

SRIW Contributed to the CPDP's Conference Book: Data Protection and Privacy
On the 2nd of May 2024 volume 16 of the CPDP conference book was published. It explores the complexity and depths of our digital world by providing a selection of analyses and discussions from the 16th annual international conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP): Ideas that Drive Our Digital World. SRIW is delighted to have participated by contributing the chapter “Codes of Conduct: A Credible Instrument of Co-regulation for the Market” written by Stavroula Chatzipanagioti.

SRIW at ANGA COM: Spotlight on the Door-to-Door-Sales Code of Conduct
ANGA COM has come to an end and we look back on insightful and successful days of dialogue. Here are our promised key takeaways from the discussion with Jürgen Grützner, Jörg Hormann, Andreas Klassa and Erik Massarczyk, moderated by Karoline Claaßen:
- The development of the Code brought various stakeholders from the telecommunications industry to the table, which is why legal requirements could be united with the practice of telecommunications providers, ensuring the best possible quality in door-to-door sales.
- The Code is a living document. The regular evaluation and continuous exchange between the members of the steering committee lead to the ongoing development of the standards.
- The concept of monitoring by an independent monitoring body is essential for the credibility of a code of conduct.
We are already looking forward to next year’s ANGA COM!
Recent Regulatory Developments

European Data Protection Supervisor
“It’s hatched: our plan for Artificial Intelligence in the EU institutions”