We're excited to kick-off the series with Dr. Claus Ulmer, Global Data Protection Officer of Deutsche Telekom Group and Chairman of the SRIW’s Board of Directors. Given Dr. Ulmer’s vast experience in the data protection field as well as with topics such as self and co-regulation, we had a highly engaging discussion..
During the interview Dr. Ulmer elaborated on some major aspects concerning the membership:
We signed the Code with our IT service subsidiary T-Systems because it gives us visibility in the market, shows that we adhere to these requirements and that we’re a reliable partner.”
As the Code’s membership continues to expand, this unique ecosystem builds further trust and harmonization throughout the entire cloud sector. What is it like to be a part of this initiative? Watch the full interview here and stay tuned for the next “Across the Cloud” episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0VtJ89gQo4